Blue Sky Jazz Lounge
Located in: Shirogane - Ward 5 - Plot 24

About the Jazz Lounge
The Blue Sky Jazz Lounge is a quiet hideaway located a short walk from the beach of Shirogane's Fifth ward, aimed at providing a refined social space for Kugane's elite to meet, share drinks, and enjoy the smooth sounds of jazz from various talented local musicians.
Linger in the lobby to keep easy access to the bar, find a seat in one of our comfortable private booths around the stage downstairs, or make a reservation to dine at Indulgence upstairs, and indulge in expertly crafted meals by our Mithril Star rated culinarian, Checheshan Wehwehshan.
Now Hiring
Stage/Performance Manager & In-house musiciansSous-Chef & Line CooksRestaurant Wait Staff & General Hospitality StaffBar StaffSecurity personnel

About Bluesky
New to the Eastern Crime scene, the Blue Sky Bosozoku is a small group of gangsters looking to prove themselves in the cut-throat world of the Yakuza. Sponsored by Clan Arisawa, a member family of the Kyokuto-ikka, the Blue Sky Bosozoku is looking to expand their holdings, territory, and profits to earn the respect of the larger, more established clans, and perhaps shake things up along the way. Recently, with the support of their parent clan, the Bosozoku were able to acquire property in Hingashi and open a jazz club and restaurant to serve as a legitimate business front and source of income, as well as a meeting space and safe house for members of the gang. With a foothold in Hingashi and some small measure of protection from the Kyokuto-ikka, the Blue Sky Bosozoku has a wealth of options laid out before them to expand and earn all manner of profit and power.

Kublai Kha
A former Horselord of the Steppe, Kublai Kha (sometimes known as Kublai Tenger) is a relatively new player to Kugane's Yakuza scene. Seemingly overnight, the foreigner went from a low-level thug in Clan Arisawa to the leader of his own splinter 'clan' made of misfits and ijin. He answers primarily to Arisawa no Heishiro.
He is the current Oyabun/Khan of the Blue Sky Bosozoku.
Refugee, con-artist, cat burglar, drug pusher - this abrasive little woman has been many things, and yet she's risen from gutter-rat, to Wakagashira of the Bluesky Bosozoku in under a year; from debtor, to debt collector in her own right, her rise has been meteoric. A rising star, serving under the Khan of the Bluesky who has likewise rocketed to power, she runs her own business and pursues her own powerbase outside of the Bluesky, as well.
Tread lightly, with this self-styled 'Dragon' - the heat of her ire is no less intense, for her diminutive size.

Out of Character Details
BSBRP is a small, relatively new Mature/Dark RP group with a focus on Eastern crime themes. We are aiming to provide a tight-knit group of consistent high-quality roleplayers in an easy-going, no-drama OOC environment and deep, story-driven plots and in-character progression through the ranks of an expansive and intricate web of PC and NPC gangs, criminals, civilians, businesses, and politicians.

Role play Themes
Mature/Dark, Evil, Crime, Eastern, Yakuza, Bosozoku
Newly added business front allows for lighter/non-evil/slice of life characters to work as employees but will be interacting with criminal types. A good chance to corrupt your innocent souls!
What we are looking for...

Criminal Characters
The Blue Sky Bosozoku is a home for those who have been dealt the worst hand in life and are willing to take what is owed to them by any means necessary. Characters who wish to join the family will almost certainly need to be non-good aligned to last here, or be ready to abandon their morals to survive and thrive. While heavies and brutes have their place in the Blue Sky, characters who wish to rise in the ranks and lead must needs be clever and cunning.

Non Criminal Characters
Following recent developments, the Blue Sky Bosozoku has earned enough gil from business ventures and enough support from allied families to open a new jazz club in Shirogane as a legitimate business front. This operation is much larger and more ambitious than the small dive bar that the gang used as a hideout previously, and requires more hands to operate! We're looking for employees to handle security (a great segue into a position as a Yakuza Heavy), run the upstairs restaurant (kitchen and wait staff), bar staff (bartenders, concessions, wait staff, hostesses), and full-time and part-time jazz musicians and singers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of roleplay FC is Bluesky?
We describe ourselves as a medium-heavy story and character driven Roleplay FC that focuses on darker, mature themes with more criminal elements, especially with an Eastern flavor that caters to (sensibly) evil characters. That is to say, our cast of characters typically have a reason for the way they are, and there should be little to no “evil for evil’s sake”. There will be violence and hard moral choices to be made in our events and plotlines.
How active is the FC?
As active as you make it! Weekly social nights, with events that are hosted based on player demand and availability. We also have intermittent open event nights. The leadership team of course does its best to encourage active RP where we can, but you as the player base determines activity as a whole, in the end.
What kind of characters do you accept?
On the criminal side of things, we’re looking for mostly normal, regular people who are willing to get their hands dirty or desperate enough to do evil for their own survival. No characters that are as powerful as the Warrior of Light, the Scions, or other major lore figures. Lore-compliant/adjacent characters with a power level of perhaps just above average, normal person. The story we want to tell and the environment we want to provide to our players, we are trying to avoid characters of a power level that surpasses what a standard Spoken could achieve in their lifetime: Kami, Auspices, Yokai, Voidsent hiding in a mortal form, and the like. Perpetually insubordinate or disrespectful characters will be punished until they can follow orders until they are dispelled, executed, or sent on a suicide mission with no expectation to return. That is not to say you cannot play an incompetent, disrespectful, or insubordinate character to start, but if they don’t learn, we can only stretch our own characters so far before we have to talk about removing or replacing them.
Lighter slice of life characters also have a place working part-time or full-time at the Blue Sky Jazz Lounge's business front, but they will more than likely be exposed to the darker side of the FC. They will be working for Yakuza, after all.
Do you offer progression and story driven Roleplay?
Yes, the Yakuza side of the FC has a strict hierarchy where loyal and proactive members are rewarded for their hard work with rank, title, and command over their lessers. As for story-driven roleplay, most everything that happens beyond idle chatter is connected to the story at large, though it may not always be obvious.
Do you have an IC chain of command?
Due to the strict hierarchical nature of the Yakuza, you should always have a higher ranking brother or sister to report to, until you get into the fancy ranks. Seniority is very important in Eastern/Hingan culture, too.
Do you have a Roleplay Roll system?
No (unless you want it). With acceptance into the FC comes a degree of mutual trust not to god-mod, meta-pose, or write ridiculously OP or non-lore compliant characters/abilities/scenes. You need only roll when you want to add an element of randomness to your roleplay, or you are unsure of what the outcome would be and you want the dice to help you decide. Contested /random or /dice rolls, if mutually agreed upon by all parties, can happen on a case-by-case basis.
We believe in Roleplay, not Rollplay.
Some Basic Ground Rules
Know these basic Roleplay terms
Metagaming, meta-posing, god-modding, and mixing IC and OOC are all roleplay faux pas that diminish everybody's roleplay experience. We expect you to be aware of and avoid such behaviors.
Age Requirement
The Blue Sky Bosozoku requires that its members, associates, and other attendees of events be of eighteen years of age due to the themes depicted and explored in its storylines and plots.
Activity Requirement
As a RP-centric FC, we require that players attend at least ONE story event or social event a month to maintain their IC status in the organization. If you must take more than a month of time away from FFXIV Roleplay, simply communicate with the GM team.
Proactive Engagement
While we try to host regularly scheduled events and prompt our members for scenes when we have additional free time, we understand that many people have busy or irregular schedules. There is an expectation that members also come forward to schedule their own RP with the leaders and other members when they have time, especially if it's been a while since your last interaction with the FC or its members or its plot.
Professional Public Conduct
The FC has a reputation to uphold. While wearing the FC's tag, you are expected to act in a respectable manner out of character in public areas in games, Final Fantasy related Discords, and on Tumblr.
Be nice
Treat FC members and friends with basic respect and decency. There's no bigotry here, and that's a one way ticket out of the Friend Zone, straight to the curb. No arguments - where religion, sexual orientation, etc. is concerned - this is a safe place for all walks of life! Your characters don't have to be nice, but you do.
IC actions have IC consequences; OOC actions have OOC Consequences
The Blue Sky has a strict IC heierarchy, currently headed by evil aligned characters. Punishments for IC failure, disrespect, or insubordnation is like to be swift and decisive. The FC is also heavily themed around real-world Yakuza and other Eastern traditions. In keeping with this theme, one of the common punishments one might see is a ritual sacrificial act known as Yubitsume, or finger shortening. While Yubitsume is typically saved for extreme situations, there exists the chance that your character may be ordered or expected to shorten a finger by a knuckle. Of course, other punishments exist: undesirable duties, being shamed and humiliated in front of one's peers, stripping of ranks/titles, or other forms of less-permanent physical harm, and more are all on the table here. Of course, in the case where any negative action is going to be taken against your character we will ask for consent, and are willing to put a pause on the scene to negotiate the specifics with you the player to find a solution that makes narrative sense while avoiding any potential triggers or unwanted permanent damage or disfiguration to your character. Outright OOC refusal to have your character punished in any way for their IC actions is a one-way ticket out of the FC.
Your character will only ever be punished for actions your character commits (or is believed to have committed; you might be framed!). You, the player, will never be punished or shunned or disliked for the actions your character(s) take. Any OOC infractions will be handled completely separately from the characters. This sentence is going to seem out of place: If you are planning on applying, Section 7 will be a confirmation that you've read all the rules. Instead of selecting 'Yes', select 'No' so we know you've actually read the rules in full.
Lore Compliance
We are a Lore Compliant FC. We roleplay in the setting of FFXIV and use the game and its lore as a common backdrop for all our storylines and scenes. XIV does leave a lot of room for interpretation, and we are happy to let individuals express their creativity within reason! However, introducing an element to roleplay that is clearly lore-breaking (usually something that is in direct opposition to known lore at the present time) is incredibly difficult to justify, and impossible to roleplay around.
Right of Refusal
The GMs have a final say in whether a character, plot, plot device, or really lore-bending/breaking thing is introduced to the FC as a whole. This includes introducing characters to the roleplay group at large and any FC sponsored events, as well as roleplay in any public scenes that take place on the Blue Sky FC house or its various rooms. Alternate Characters must go through a similar approval process as seen on the application.